The Pai Lab aims to bring epigenetics to the clinic for brain cancers. Our goal is to develop novel, genome-based diagnostic tests and therapeutics.
The Pai laboratory’s goal is to bring genomics and epigenetics to the clinic. We focus on childhood and adult brain cancers, and on disorders of neurodevelopmental origins.
We perform pre-clinical research analyzing patient and disease genomes to discover better biomarkers for clinical decision-making, including diagnostics, prognostics, treatment resistance, and pre-diagnostic biomarkers. We take a neurodevelopmental perspective on brain cancer, studying how molecular mechanisms of typical brain development can be dysregulated to give rise to childhood and adult brain cancers. Our projects combine approaches from genomics, bioinformatics, molecular biology, patient-derived cancer cell lines, histology, functional genomics, machine learning, and pharmacology.
To learn more, visit our lab website at:
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Bader Lab, University of Toronto
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto
- Trainee, Precision Medicine Initiative at the University of Toronto (PRiME)
- PhD, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
- Early-Career Investigator, OICR
- Pai S, Hui S, Isserlin R, …, Bader GD. netDx: interpretable patient classification using integrated patient similarity networks. Mol Syst Biol. 2019; 15, e8497.
- Pai S, Li P, Killinger B, …, Labrie V. Differential methylation of enhancer at IGF2 is associated with abnormal dopamine synthesis in major psychosis. Nature Communications. 2019;10(1):2046.
- Pai S, Bader GD. Patient Similarity Networks for Precision Medicine. J Mol Biol. 2018; 430(18):2924-2938.
See more of Dr. Pai’s publications on Google Scholar.
- Donnelly Centre Research Excellence Award, 2019
- Brain & Behavior Foundation NARSAD Young Investigator Award, 2014
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2014
To collaborate with Dr. Pai, please contact her directly.
Visit OICR’s Collaborative Research Resources directory for more opportunities to collaborate with OICR researchers.
- netDx: a patient classifier algorithm that can integrate several types of patient data into a single model