Talent Mobilization

OICR’s Talent Mobilization initiative is a unique program supporting Ontario’s leading cancer research and clinical talent providing career critical support especially for our young talented investigators and building a community of researchers sharing their talents and ideas.

OICR’s Talent Mobilization strategy encompasses OICR’s people programs spanning our:

  • Internal Faculty
  • Investigator Awards program
  • Research Area Leadership Awards
  • Individuals holding a Status Only appointment with the institute
  • PIs on OICR-funded research projects and
  • Trainees supported by various OICR-funded initiatives (e.g., Rising Stars Program, PRiME-OICR Fellowship, BioCanRx-OICR Summer Studentship).

At the core of Talent Mobilization is the Scientific Consortium – the individuals who lead OICR’s cancer research community. Together with their teams, Consortium members make up the heart of the Institute. They lead provincial, national, and international efforts and are on the cutting edge of cancer discoveries, innovations, and translation to the clinical community and to patients.

To better connect and support members of our Consortium, OICR will focus on providing unique networking opportunities over the coming year and beyond. To start, we will pilot Town Halls with our Consortium membership to offer a unique opportunity for dialogue directly with OICR leadership about activities in which the Institute is participating, upcoming OICR funding opportunities, ways in which we can enhance research programs, and insights into the Institute’s forthcoming strategic planning process (2026-2031) with an opportunity to for Consortium members to provide their insights into the plan’s development.

We will also start a seminar series to highlight the work being done by the Scientific Consortium. With a focus on mentorship and collaboration, this series will involve Consortium member Principal Investigators (PIs) who will discuss their path to OICR, and a presentation on the unique skills and offerings they can provide to the OICR community. The sessions will then transition to a research presentation from a trainee within the member’s group, focusing on their latest and greatest discoveries. A Q&A session will follow. We hope these virtual seminars will better connect and engage the community and bring forward new opportunities for collaboration and discussion.

What does your membership in the OICR Scientific Consortium mean for you?

  • Access to OICR-supported resources and expertise (agreements may be required)
  • Access to OICR-supported networking events, workshops, and direct access to OICR leadership
  • Opportunities for collaboration with other Consortium members
  • Opportunities to share knowledge, experience, learning, and principles with Consortium members including trainees
  • Showcased on the OICR website
  • Scientific Consortium newsletter

Expectations of Consortium members

  • Attendance at Consortium meetings (Town Halls, Conferences, relevant workshops, seminars of visiting speakers when possible, etc.)
  • Participation in OICR meetings including presentations at the ‘OICR Mondays’ seminar series or others
  • Willing to share information about upcoming talks/workshops/conferences that would be of interest to the Consortium community; willing to share relevant OICR information with their professional networks
  • Open to mentorship program opportunities (both as a mentor and/or mentee as appropriate)
  • Willing to provide contact information and be contacted by other Consortium members for collaboration, mentorship, access to expertise, etc.