Genomics is the study of our entire set of genes and how they work. It’s also an important way to understand cancer, since cancer cells have mutations that cause them to stop behaving like normal cells. Our goal is to create new tools to find early signs of cancer. We also help researchers use these tools to study the causes of cancer and find the most effective treatment options. Our long-term goal is to introduce high-quality genetic tests into hospitals and clinics by making them fast, simple and inexpensive.
Imagine giving a small blood sample at a normal visit to the doctor, hearing back in a few days about signs of cancer, and getting treatment tailored to your specific needs before cancer has time to spread. We are working to make that a reality by designing genetic tests that can detect cancer using only a small number of cells from your blood. We also want these tests to be faster, easier and less painful for patients.
We design new tests to find signs of cancer that are present in very low levels in patient samples. These tests meet the highest quality standards and are used internationally by researchers and clinicians to identify new cancer treatments. One of our focuses is developing cancer tests that use blood samples instead of having to take tissue samples from affected organs.
Our highly skilled team uses cutting-edge machines to improve the quality of these tests, make them faster and make them more affordable. This work will help diagnose patients as soon as cancer starts to develop and then quickly identify the best treatment plan.
Dr. Trevor Pugh
Senior Investigator & Director, Genomics
Dr. Carolyn Ptak
Program Manager
The Genomics platform’s mission is to enable complete genomic knowledge that guides the clinical management of cancer patients.
OICR Genomics is an OICR/UHN collaborative initiative led by Dr. Trevor Pugh that supports basic, translational, and clinical oncogenomics projects. We offer CAP/ACD-accredited, CLIA-certified, ISO 15189-compliant services for your clinical reporting and research needs. For over 10 years, our teams have supported research across Canada and around the world by solving genomics and analysis problems for the advancement of cancer treatment and management.
Please visit OICR’s Collaborative Research Resources directory for more opportunities to collaborate.
The Genomics Program is always eager to work with researchers interested in:
- Genomic characterization of Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded (FFPE) pathology specimens;
- High throughput transcriptome or exome sequencing;
- Customized library preparation;
- Working with challenging or precious samples;
- Moving their genomics workflows to labs with automated platforms;
- Any collaborative projects of mutual interest.
Visit for much more information about how the OICR Genomics platform can assist you.